Labor ou les visages de l’art

LABOR English

LABOR 2024

Labor1937 (75 years of WORK )

Exposes little but works a lot …

Bronze medal for his painting Le Fardeau, Oil on canvas, at the International Fair CREIL France 1978

« We are all poets » Prize: Fresco

Place Beaubourg in PARIS. Fresco 120x600cm made of AUBUSSON tapestry (by Robert

FOUR) … by order of Madame Pompidou, wife of President Pompidou France (Professor

: Robert Labor .. Students: .. … Military school of Tampon 1978

Monumental sculpture 1979 .. Lycée Roland Garros du Tampon,

Order of the Ministry of Culture of Paris

 Works at the Art Library of St Denis Réunion…. … Port of St Gilles, TRAMS, and Landscapes….

2 works at the Leon Dierx Museum in St Denis Réunion … GREEN and

ROSE 200cmx210cm …. And ARBEIT 200cmx210cm … oil and collage…

2 Works in the Réunion Region purchased by the President of

Region… Oil on canvas collage palette. sold 25000Euros .. Twilight oil on canvas sold 25000Euros in 2012: Office of Culture REGION -REUNION… ..

Two Workplaces … L’Atelier du TAMPON Réunion 97430 … and Atelier BOULBON 13150 France

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  I consider myself a « global artist » Plastic Arts Music (SAX alto performance, Guitar Singing See Facebook Labor Jean Marie Robert or Labor1937https: // … illustrator See bnf https: //catalogue.bnf. en / ark: / 12148 / cb131722305

After my attempts as a painter in adolescence, I only consider myself a painter since 1960 (first exhibition 1962 Galerie AZUR Montpellier) … while being an ART teacher from 1970 to 1997 Diploma of Claude Bernard today replaced by the universities

1970/1997 Period during which « I taught by day and I painted at night »

I have a fairly large production (which I have shown quite regularly since my retirement in 1997 (aggregated and engaged in ART) and I continue to create again in 2020.

I designed what I now call « My Métis Romanticism »: paintings, Collages,

abstractions, figurations, plurality, minimalism, etc. I build my

work in a certain ENTROPIE (disorder … constructive) … with the greatest freedom, inspiration, reflection, practice

… without the idea of wanting to be at all costs being in a trend or Fashion

whatever … I need freedom to be myself,

However, I remain interested in everything that is happening and happening around me….

I have a whole story to tell … and I tell it: Breaks (my illness, my « resurrection ») the pains and joys of the World, my meetings with ART,

my Testimonials, Tenderness, Reviews, Conversations, investigations, inventions, writings,

music, Concept of Space ……… .etc

 I think ART, Painting … And Painting thinks for me … and makes me think. and the music rests me

I use all the resources at my disposal … by a set of … ACTIONS ……. Constructions, deconstructions, modifications, techniques, framing, cuts, simplifications, vibrations or

assemblies and restructuring … In a certain freedom where improvisation has its place … in any case necessary, to me and to my speech

My Tools are chosen according to what I want to write and tell…. I have a clear idea of what I want to do. … while letting myself be guided by painting … and it is she (and the painting) who guides me in my gesture …. Which seems to me. Broaden my palette and my discoveries … and lets me wonder about my own awareness of things, about ART … about everything that is happening around me …… which I adhere to or not but which I ask questions … and that makes me think

I become an Analyst and Critic afterwards

                        André LHOTE had a great influence on me and my way of working on this subject.

………………………….. analysis reflection and also the Urgency of Instinct and gesture in Action ……..

       I built what I call today

« My Metis… and Contemporary Romanticism » … It’s

a conversation (brush in hand) …, a story or stories

of Art and Life that I tell … a kind of testimony that I bear … sensations, constructions, testimonies, revolt,


    I wanted (and want) free and sincere

in a certain humanism of truth and sincerity … My SINCERITY

like « the REFLECTION of the time that has been given to me » …. More than 60 years of action !!


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